Micromanagement, Delegation & Coaching

Many great leaders have been trained to avoid being the ‘M’ word: micromanager.

The truth is the best leaders don’t avoid micromanaging at all. This management style can be used to great advantage in the right situations. The key is knowing how and when to apply it, and that’s what we will explore today.

We suggest that instead of choosing one leadership style for all, tailoring your approach at the individual level results in better outcomes for everyone.

Let’s dive in!


Is Micromanagement a Bad Word?

Micromanagement has gained a bad reputation as a management style. And let’s face it; any manager who’s constantly breathing down your neck won’t be the most popular person on the team—but that’s just one aspect of micromanagement, i.e., the one you notice most if it’s not executed correctly. When done this way, it can be smothering, toxic, and may negatively impact employee performance.

It’s precisely the above kind of manager we envision when we hear “micromanagement.” That kind of micromanager is more concerned with poking their nose into anybody’s business but their own and often neglects their own tasks in favor of critiquing someone else’s work.

But micromanagement isn’t always a bad thing. Done right, it can increase performance and support employees in establishing high standards. For example, when new systems or technology are being implemented, micromanagement can be applied to achieve measurable outcomes and ensure compliance with company policy.

Micromanagement can also be used during onboarding to ensure new employees have everything they need to do their job well. After all, high-functioning employees don’t just happen. Even the most talented people need direction, systems, and structure.

The bottom line is that there isn’t just one style of micromanagement, and there are certain situations and team members who may need it, either occasionally or on an ongoing basis. We apply management styles to achieve specific outcomes. Micromanagement is just one tool in the kit.


Helping New or Struggling Team Members Achieve Goals

We have come across the graph below a time or two and have always shared it with our clients as a tool to help them approach team management differently.

You’ll see micromanagement in the bottom left square. The assumption is that as the employee evolves, micromanagement transmutes into another management style.

Micromanagement, Delegation & Coaching

The orange square could be a new employee, an A-player in a new role, or any team member who requires coaching on new processes. As the individual’s skill sets improve, micromanagement becomes coaching. As their internal drive and understanding of the tasks advance, the management style becomes support, applied when needed.

Once the employee gains a high level of expertise and comfort with the task, they can delegate to others or have management delegate to them.

Identifying skills is more quantifiable. When we talk about internal drive, it’s about motivation. With the right skills and support, it’s assumed that the employee will be motivated to advance.

Should the employee be incapable of moving beyond the red square, it might be necessary to reconsider their position entirely. Micromanagement should not have to be a consistent effort as it serves neither party.


Enabling Your A-Players

Now that we understand how micromanagement can work for new employees, let’s talk about your A-players.

When bosses get involved in the day-to-day work of their top employees, it can be highly motivating. The challenge is knowing when to do it—and when to pull away.

When a manager can bring a unique perspective to a situation or expedite a project or task based on their input, micromanagement can be a positive experience. It can accelerate initiatives, reinforce the importance of organizational priorities, and change the stakes entirely when an important customer is involved. What employee wouldn’t want to move the needle a quantum leap forward if they had the opportunity?


Final Thoughts: Don’t Fear the Micromanager!

If the word “micromanagement” sparks your fight or flight response, we hope we’ve convinced you to give it a second look. Applied judiciously and in the right circumstances, micromanagement is an essential technique that provides employees with the skills, motivation, and confidence to step into their potential.

Equip your leaders with the tools they need to manage, coach and delegate. emPerform offers a complete performance management platform with the flexibility to tailor reviews, check-ins, feedback, and goal setting for different employee needs. Get started today.

5 Ways Performance Management Software Delivers Value

In a world where you can access everything at the click of a button, it’s surprising to learn that upwards of 58% of companies are still relying on outdated methods like paper or spreadsheets to track performance. This reliance on manual processes not only consumes valuable time and resources but also hampers the ability to drive organizational success efficiently. Fortunately, performance management software offers a modern solution to streamline these processes and unlock a multitude of benefits for businesses.

Let’s delve into five key ways performance management software delivers value to organizations.


1. Cost Savings

Automating employee performance management yields significant cost savings, a crucial aspect of ROI for businesses. Transitioning from paper-based or manual processes to automated systems like emPerform can result in substantial time savings, as evidenced by a survey showing an average of 2 hours saved per review compared to traditional methods. This efficiency not only frees up valuable resources but also minimizes errors inherent in manual processes, potentially saving hundreds of payroll hours.

Furthermore, effective performance management plays a pivotal role in talent retention, reducing the hefty costs associated with replacing key personnel, which can range from 30% to 400% of their annual salary, depending on their level of expertise. By enabling ongoing talent identification, compensation management, and career development, organizations can recognize, reward, and promote internal talent effectively, thus mitigating the risks and costs of turnover.



2. Increased Employee Engagement

Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for sustained success in any organization. Performance management software offers robust feedback and development features, fostering a culture of continual growth and support. By prioritizing employee satisfaction and engagement, businesses can curtail turnover costs and ensure long-term returns on their talent investments. Performance management software not only keeps employees engaged with their work but also aligns their daily tasks with company objectives, motivating them to excel in their roles. Enhanced employee engagement reduces turnover, aids retention, and fosters communication, collaboration, and overall employee happiness.



3. Achievement of Company Goals

When performance management is lacking, companies pay a massive price for not achieving their business goals. Inefficient processes, lack of clarity, poor oversight, or focusing on the wrong things can lead to instability in the workforce, underperformance, reputational damage, and loss of market share. Underperforming companies will have trouble attracting talent and will be challenged to maintain any kind of long-term stability. However, successful organizations operate with a clear alignment between individual goals and organizational objectives. Performance management software facilitates this alignment by providing real-time tracking and reporting capabilities. With enhanced clarity, focus, and accountability, every employee can contribute to the overarching mission, driving success at every level of the organization.



4. Empowering Managers for Better Performance

Managers play a pivotal role in driving employee performance and development. Performance management software equips managers with the tools and insights they need to track and coach performance frequently, consistently, and effectively. By providing one centralized location for all employee information, goals, check-ins, history, peer feedback, and surveys, managers have a better view of performance, achievements, and opportunities for growth and can deliver better feedback and coaching.



5. Better Decision-Making

Performance management software offers real-time performance insights that enable data-driven decision-making. From talent identification to compensation planning, status tracking, and gap analysis, these tools provide the information needed to drive sustainable growth and success and invest in areas of talent and development that will have the most impact.


Overall, performance management software delivers immense value from day one. From reducing costs, enhancing productivity and engagement to driving strategic alignment and informed decision-making, tools like emPerform empower organizations to unlock their full potential and achieve lasting success.

See the value today! Book your demo of emPerform  – complete, scalable & affordable performance management software.