Talent Identification & Succession Planning

Identify your company’s top talent & future leaders and make crucial succession decisions with emPerform’s integrated and interactive nine-box talent matrix.

Talent Identification & Succession Planning

Identify your company’s top talent & future leaders and make crucial succession decisions with emPerform’s integrated and interactive nine-box talent matrix.

Identify your future leaders with confidence.

Get succession planning & career development at your fingertips with emPerform.

Are you building your company’s bench strength?


emPerform makes it easy to engage your talent in vital ongoing career planning & development. Incorporate talent assessments into performance reviews to gauge the potential of your talent base and see how high your employees can fly!

  • Motivate performance with ongoing career planning
  • Identify & develop future leaders
  • Compare performance & potential for better talent planning
  • Ensure fair & centralized succession planning
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Compare the performance and potential of employees and departments

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Identify future leaders & employees with the potential to move into new roles

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Compare results and calibrate ratings to ensure consistent scoring across teams

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Easily adjust the performance vs. potential filters to suit your needs

Get a Fully Automated Nine-box Matrix – Included for Free in emPerform


Draw from the performance history of employees through past performance reviews, 360° multi-rater reviews and surveys, to readily identify the individuals that have the potential to meet new challenges. With emPerform, everything HR and leaders need to assess talent and track development is in one place.

Succession Reporting in emPerform

Powerful and flexible reporting for the real-time talent & succession metrics. And of course, the Nine-Box is included in emPerform at no additional cost.

Promotion timing reports

Competency gap analysis

Talent pool reports

Promotion readiness reports

Rating calibration reports

Historical performance analysis

Whether your organization has 50 employees or 3,000, emPerform’s configurability, affordable pricing model, and all-inclusive suite ensures it will be a great fit out of the gate and can scale and evolve to fit your needs as they change.

Get started today!

Book a free demo with an emPerform expert to discuss your performance management needs and show you around.

More than performance review

With emPerform, you get complete employee performance management software at your fingertips.


Online Performance Reviews

100% automated reviews, self-assessments, PIPs and more & configurable to your needs.


Goal & Development Tracking

Set and track goals and development plans year-round.


360° Multi-Rater Assessments

Create a culture of excellence & accountability.


Year-Round Feebdback

Give employees the timely feedback needed for success.


Nine-Box Talent Matrix

Make crucial succession decisions integrated & interactive nine-box talent matrix


Pay-for-Performance Planning

Motivate & engage employees with performance rewards tied to results.


Performance Dashboards

Access over 100 out-of-the-box reports + user dashboards


Best Practice Templates

Choose from best-practice templates & configure to suit your needs.


Data Integrations & SSO

Ensure your workforce is aligned and on-track for success

Must-read blogs

10 trends that will impact performance management in 2021 and beyond

START, STOP, KEEP-GOING 3 words that will transform performance discussions

5 important biases to watch out for when managing a remote workforce

The three P’s of effective employee performance management