Managing employee compensation planning can feel like a never-ending cycle of stress, especially when you’re relying on outdated tools like spreadsheets. Despite the rise of more sophisticated HR technology, many companies still use Excel for salary decisions and pay-for-performance management. It’s a familiar pain point, but continuing to use spreadsheets is costing HR teams time, […]

When done correctly and effectively, employee performance reviews and good performance management processes can motivate staff, drive results, align the entire company, and improve success and morale. However, inconsistent performance reviews that are confusing, subjective, and open to bias can throw a wrench into the entire thing – making the review process a negative and […]

What are you using for appraisals and performance management? Paper? Spreadsheets? Fax? A tediously formatted document that employees and managers don’t want to use? A makeshift in-house system designed by your IT department as an attempt to solve your appraisal nightmares? Nothing at all? Any of these answers wouldn’t surprise us. Our close contact with […]

If you are a manager or HR specialist who has been hammering away at the same annual employee evaluation process year after year but don’t seem to be getting measurable results, you might be doing any of three things wrong. First, you may be using a method that doesn’t suit your business model. Second, you […]

Annual performance review time is right around the corner for many companies, and for most managers and employees, the process will be smooth, positive, and largely ceremonial. But in every department, managers face a few performance reviews that keep them awake at night with dread. Low-performing employees tend to induce a series of mild headaches […]

You and your fellow managers are excited about your new hire. You managed to scoop her up just as she became available, frustrating countless competitors. And while you made the most generous offer you could afford, you were still relieved when she accepted. She won over her coworkers on her first day, and by the […]

Spring has officially arrived, and as the days get longer, our gardens spill over with flowers, and our upper management offices and HR departments turn lightly to thoughts of growth. Growth! Productivity! This is the season for a renewed focus on skill development and personal enrichment. Plus the promise of all that these things bring, […]

Three important technology trends left their mark on the world of human resource management in 2011, and all three are poised to gather even more strength during 2012. Each trend brings a corresponding set of recommendations for managers and HR professionals in almost every field. If you keep only three New Year’s resolutions this year, […]

If you think you’ve seen emPerform…you haven’t seen anything yet. Watch the NEW emPerform Product Tour Video and get a better look at how emPerform can help to quickly and easily automate your performance management processes. So take a break, sit back, relax, and watch the 10 minute emPerform Tour. Click here to view.