emPerform has teamed up with several noted industry experts to create a series of free Talent Management Webcasts. emPerform’s Take 10 Series offers best-practice talent management tips and tricks for HR Professionals in easy-to-swallow 10 minute doses.
The field of HR is evolving at a record pace and HR Professionals are finding themselves taking the reins in uncharted territory. With limited time and budget available for hands-on training, industry webinars are rapidly becoming a key source of timely and vital industry information. Although attending a traditional sixty minute webinar can be immensely informative, today’s HR Professional may find it difficult to stop whatever they are doing and attend the live hour-long session. For those who do attend, remembering and applying the contents of the presentation can also be challenging unless the recording and slides are made available after the event.
emPerform’s solution to this was to offer ten minute videos dealing with practical and specific information related to HR and Talent Management. These mini-webinars can be accessed and viewed anytime – making them perfect for busy HR pros who might not be able to set aside an hour straight but would find it feasible to take a 10 minute break.
“We are thrilled to work with some amazing presenters to offer this series” said John Smith, Director of Enterprise Business Solutions at CRG emPerform. “One of the greatest things about being in the HR space is forming relationships with forward-thinking and insightful customers and experts. These relationships and collaborations ensure that we stay on-top of the latest industry trends and reinforce the fact that we offer more than just talent management software – we offer guidance and a commitment to customer success.”
The emPerform Take 10 series features the following topics, with new videos being continuously added.
How to Turn Supervisors into Performance Managers
Presented by Marnie Green, Principal Consultant for the Management Education Group Inc.
5 Steps to Developing Direct Reports
Presented by Dawn Kohler, CEO of The Inside Coach.
The Future of HR: A CEO’s Perspective
Presented by Dr. Vijay Jog, President and CEO of Corporate Renaissance Group.
Competency Development Best Practices
Presented by Cindy Pascale, Founder and VP of Business Development for Vado Inc.
HR is the New Marketing: 5 Things HR Can Steal from a Marketer’s Handbook
Presented by Lynn Lang, President of Rewarding Communities.
emPerform is no stranger to online events. They continue to host successful live webinars through organizations such as HCI.org, IHRIM, and HR.com, including an upcoming webinar in September with Mark Effron, Author of ‘One Page Talent Management’.
The Take 10 videos are available for free download on theemPerform website.
Click here to access: www.employee-performance.com/take10.php.
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