benefits of automating employee reviews

Except for allergy sufferers, who doesn’t love this time of year? Everything is fresh and in bloom, the temperatures are finally above freezing and the sun is still out when you get home at night! Spring is a great time to refresh, regroup, and revamp – starting with a little cleaning to de-clutter and rejuvenate your surroundings at home and at work.

For most people, spring cleaning starts by shedding the winter bulk. Wipe the layers of dust off of the shelves, rake the blanket of leaves off the lawn, remove and store the heavy winter-wear and welcome the resulting cardio for beach season.

While tackling the accumulations at work, it might be helpful to consider ways to upgrade any processes that still rely on mounds of paper and files; specifically employee evaluations and performance management. Think about it – if a company has 250 employees and each employee submits 1-2 revisions of an appraisal, that’s 500 appraisals! At 5 pages apiece, that would result in 2500 pages of outdated appraisals that have to be tended to. Fun times! The entire paper-based appraisal process is a heartache for the environment and a headache for HR and managers.

Thankfully employee performance management technologies have emerged and provide web-based software solutions for shedding paper nightmares and streamlining the entire evaluation process and beyond. Technology exists to make life easier, make things nice and consistent, and keep everything in one today place.  Imagine a spring where you DON’T have to sort and clean appraisal folders because they are already sorted, filed, organized, and up-to-date online ready to use.

I think we should all take a cue from spring cleaning-time. Get rid of stale and stagnant review processes and replace them with breezy, modern solutions that make life easier – giving you more time to enjoy the great weather.

If you would like to go paperless, visit and request a free trial of CRG emPerform, award-winning online software built to help you ditch the paper and get more from your employee performance management processes.