Employees are the most valuable asset a company has. With the current talent crisis reducing the pool of available workers and the exodus known as the Great Resignation, business growth is at risk. To ensure continuity, organizations must focus on retention and improving the employee lifecycle to accomplish their goals. Performance management programs are critical […]
The HR press is filled with stories of companies that are abandoning their traditional Performance Management processes. But are we throwing the baby out with the bath water? Don’t Ditch that Performance Review – Reclaim it! Join CRG emPerform and Edie Goldberg, Ph.D., principal of E.L. Goldberg & Associates, for this informative free on-demand webinar […]
Driving Employee Performance through Year-Round Painless Performance Conversations Date: Wed, June 18th, 2014 Time: 1:00 PM EDT Conversations transform organizations and entire organizations suffer when leaders fail to have continuous conversations that drive performance improvement. Join us for this practical and interactive webinar that will offer real-life, tangible solutions and tools leaders need to tackle […]
Succession planning is one of the most important elements of an effective staffing strategy, especially for managers and employers in the driver’s seat of smaller companies and start-ups. With a clear workforce deployment plan in place, employers and managers always know exactly how to proceed when a position becomes vacant. Employees who are ready to […]
Upcoming Webinar: The Top 10 Talent Management Mistakes (and how to avoid them). Date: Wednesday, Sept 19, 2012 Time: 1:00PM EDT – 2:00PM EDT Click here to Register. As companies invest more time and resources in talent management they expect meaningful returns on that investment. Yet surveys of executives and talent management leaders find that […]
By: Natalie Trudel Author Malcolm Gladwell recently spoke at the 2012 SHRM Conference and Expo. I have been a big fan of his for years and his visit prompted me to dust off ‘The Tipping Point’ and give it a second read. The part of the book that stands out the most in my mind […]
You make the most of every one of your investments, right? You value efficiency, you optimize your resources, and if an expensive strategy isn’t working according to plan, you trim your losses and make a change. As a business manager, the more experience you gain, the more likely you are to invest only in what […]
You and your fellow managers are excited about your new hire. You managed to scoop her up just as she became available, frustrating countless competitors. And while you made the most generous offer you could afford, you were still relieved when she accepted. She won over her coworkers on her first day, and by the […]
If you’re an experienced HR pro, you know how review season typically begins. You start nudging your managers to launch the review process. Your managers, in turn, start nudging their staff to complete self-evaluations. And for a few days, eye contact is dodgy and the air is filled with tense jokes. Then review sessions take […]
What are you using for appraisals and performance management? Paper? Spreadsheets? Fax? A tediously formatted document that employees and managers don’t want to use? A makeshift in-house system designed by your IT department as an attempt to solve your appraisal nightmares? Nothing at all? Any of these answers wouldn’t surprise us. Our close contact with […]