A New Era in Performance and Talent Management

Dr. Vijay Jog, Founder and President of Corporate Renaissance Group and John Smith, Director of Enterprise Business Solutions at CRG, recently teamed up with HR.com to talk about the importance of simplicity in performance and talent management.

The webinar presents a plethora of valuable information for HR professionals who are interested in learning about simple, yet effective talent management.

According to Dr. Vijay Jog, the key to talent management boils down to this: establishing a clear vision, core values and reason for existence. It’s about valuing your employees and their overall contribution to the organization.

But is it possible to bring such simplicity to performance and talent management?

The short answer is yes! It’s possible! But the harsh reality is that not all organizations recognize talent management as an essential piece of the overall puzzle. Talent management is often misunderstood, implemented incorrectly or in some cases, not at all. Current misconceptions and ways of thinking can stifle the true potential of talent management. Some view employee evaluations as more of a chore than a fundamental activity. Others may not understand or believe in the ROI that performance management can deliver. Or perhaps recent global cost pressure has led to treating employees as “cost” and not as an “investment.” The list goes on.

The truth is, if kept simple talent management can be a worthy and rewarding venture. The most expensive and complex software systems do not always deliver the best results. When it comes to a talent management solution, simplicity and clarity trumps complexity, every time.


The Performance Value Circle

The performance value circle was developed by emPerform as a practical and straightforward approach to talent management.


The performance value circle is broken down into 8 components:
  1. Building brand awareness
  2. Recruitment and on boarding of employees
  3. Monitoring, mentoring and improving talent
  4. Embedding culture and loyalty
  5. Measuring (competencies, skills, engagement, 360s) and reporting
  6. Talent management and succession planning/promotion
  7. Measuring value and embracing analytics
  8. ESAT/feedback and linkages


If HR follows all of the steps in this process, then building brand awareness, attracting and retaining employees to the organization will happen all on its own, making talent management a natural course of action.