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Join other #HappyCustomers who are achieving performance management success with emPerform


emPerform is trusted by organizations in every industry around the world to automate and streamline performance management processes, engage employees in ongoing performance dialogue, and better align, develop, reward and retain a world-class workforce.



Leading accounting firm improves performance review experience & saves weeks with emPerform


Inventory management technology pioneer engages remote talent development with emPerform

Canadian non-profit overhauls employee performance management & empowerment with emPerform

Flooring solution manufacturer streamlines performance & compensation management with emPerform

"emPerform has been effective in converting our organization from a paper based form to electronic! Having all information tied to the review, the ability to create reports with graphics for our senior leaders, and the way the workflow moves the form from one leader to the next are some of my favorite features of emPerform. The compensation and succession planning modules are very easy to implement and our leaders like these features as well."

Crystal Walker, Manager of Talent & Development at Energy United

"Simple, customizable, user-friendly online performance management. Our company chose emPerform because it’s an easy-to-use platform that’s mobile-friendly and highly customizable to meet our unique needs. We can track accomplishments throughout the year with journaling/tags, which are readily available during the review process, single sign-on, real-time email notifications and a compensation module for bonus planning."

-Anna Yoo, Compensation Analyst at Laika LLC

emPerform Awards

Whether your organization has 150 employees or 3,000, emPerform's configurability, affordable pricing model, and all-inclusive suite ensures it is a great fit today and can grow to fit your needs as they change.

Ready to get started?


Click here to book your live demo of emPerform or contact us any time to learn more about the many benefits of joining the emPerform family.