How to Give 360° Feedback to Your Peers Feedback is a vital component of a productive workplace. In the past, feedback has been mostly limited to owners or higher-ups commenting on the performance of those they manage. However, more managers are now embracing the idea of the 360° feedback concept, where peers are encouraged to […]

Driving Employee Performance through Year-Round Painless Performance Conversations Date: Wed, June 18th, 2014 Time: 1:00 PM EDT Conversations transform organizations and entire organizations suffer when leaders fail to have continuous conversations that drive performance improvement. Join us for this practical and interactive webinar that will offer real-life, tangible solutions and tools leaders need to tackle […]

Goal setting is a powerful process that has proven to increase professional results and employee satisfaction. Now is the time to create a plan, establish powerful goals that have a direct impact on company success, and begin the New Year with a clear motivation to turn a future desire into a present reality. Join CRG […]

There’s little question among economists and staffing trend-followers about the current booming state of the healthcare industry. And industry insiders seem to agree that while demand for health care services escalates over the next few years, the availability of open positions in the field will continue to stay ahead of the number of available and […]

emPerform has teamed up with several noted industry experts to create a series of free Talent Management Webcasts. emPerform’s Take 10 Series  offers best-practice talent management tips and tricks for HR Professionals in easy-to-swallow 10 minute doses. The field of HR is evolving at a record pace and HR Professionals are finding themselves taking the […]

It’s not hard for good managers to find reasons to praise their employees. After all, the company is built on their hard work, and they come in every day and throw their hearts into projects that make the manager look good in front of their bosses and shareholders. Most managers appreciate every hour their employees […]

What are you using for appraisals and performance management? Paper? Spreadsheets? Fax? A tediously formatted document that employees and managers don’t want to use? A makeshift in-house system designed by your IT department as an attempt to solve your appraisal nightmares? Nothing at all? Any of these answers wouldn’t surprise us. Our close contact with […]

No matter the details of your data gathering process, the value of your employee review system can only be measured by its contributions to overall productivity. In other words, your reviews are only as good as your ability to follow through. Data doesn’t provide solutions. It only points the way. And data can only help […]

If you think you’ve seen emPerform…you haven’t seen anything yet. Watch the NEW emPerform Product Tour Video and get a better look at how emPerform can help to quickly and easily automate your performance management processes. So take a break, sit back, relax, and watch the 10 minute emPerform Tour. Click here to view.

In an ideal world, the hiring process would be so flawless and efficient that every employee would be perfectly suited to their position and would have a complete understanding of their role from day one. Growth within the company would happen naturally, and as an employee gained the trust and confidence of his/her superiors, their […]