What do companies that use personality testing know that you don’t? On March 28th, CRG emPerform and HCI.org are presenting a FREE Webinar that looks at personalities in the workforce. Participants will learn the basics behind personality assessments and how an understanding of employee’s personalities can lead to increased engagement, better performance and communication, and […]

No matter the details of your data gathering process, the value of your employee review system can only be measured by its contributions to overall productivity. In other words, your reviews are only as good as your ability to follow through. Data doesn’t provide solutions. It only points the way. And data can only help […]

How are you tracking and optimizing your biggest expense? More than a third of organizational costs are associated with employee compensation and training – and yet few organizations are properly tracking the return on their largest investment. Now more than ever, executives are working with HR to build a stronger workforce and a healthier bottom […]

Annual review season is in full swing, and most of the experienced managers and long term employees on your staff have been through the process before and know exactly what’s expected of them. Self-evaluations are being typed up and edited as we speak. And managers are looking out over their flocks of direct reports, assessing […]

‘Tis the season for appraisals and assessments. It’s a magical time of year when all of the company’s elves are formally evaluated for their performance over the past year (or past few months – depending on the frequency of evaluations) and the jingle jangle of SMART goal setting can be heard for miles. It is […]

The annual employee evaluation process is a universal aspect of the modern workplace. Almost every industry has developed a relevant employee evaluation model, and individual firms have further refined the practice in an ongoing effort to measure employee performance, maximize productivity and foster professional growth. In order to achieve these ends, and to increase the […]

It isn’t news that having a proper onboarding program is vital for retaining and developing talent and yet a surprisingly large proportion of organizations either have no formal practices in place or are using outdated, administrative-based onboarding procedures. Onboarding goes far beyond handing out key passes and activating voice-mail – it is the difference between […]

By: Natalie Trudel Even if your company is not currently in the market for a team of entertaining mercenaries, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be focusing on actively identifying and developing all-star employees and giving management the tools needed to form their own A-Teams. Technically, organizations should strive to have nothing but all-stars on […]

By: Natalie Trudel As a talent management solution vendor, we are constantly asked ‘who in the organization is responsible for talent management?’ The broad answer to this is ‘everyone’. The best processes that we have seen for developing and monitoring organizational talent includes a role for HR, managers, executives, and employees. In most cases, it […]

CRG emPerform and the Management Education Group recently announced a very exciting partnership. We caught up with their principal consultant, Marnie Green, at the ASHHRA Conference in Phoenix to see what she has to say about aligning with emPerform. emPerform offers web-based, all-inclusive talent management software for automating employee performance management processes such as appraisals, […]