review timeThere is no question about the value of employee self-assessments. No matter which assessment model you choose, from the nine-box method to the weighted metric approach, your process should begin with this valuable step. Before managers can decide where to take the review in terms of direction and tone, they should understand how each employee views his or her own performance, and use that understanding as a reference point. Self-assessments kick start the entire review process and as such, should be given some thought.

For 10 years, emPerform has been helping managers and HR set the tone for performance reviews by giving them a powerful platform for collecting the most complete and relevant self-assessments possible. emPerform self-assessments:

  • Are automated with email and task reminders
  • Can be completed at an employee’s leisure, with handy ‘Save and Come’ back functionality
  • Are shot off to the manager once complete – no need for HR to deliver
  • Are 100% configurable to the questions/layout/text that a company needs

emPerform can give you the tools you need to make self-assessments a breeze, but what about content? What kinds of questions should you ask during the self-assessment stage? The answer will depend in the size and business model of your company and the time you’re willing and able to devote to the review process. You can ask three questions or twenty, and you can ask for one-line responses or essay-style answers. If you are new to self-assessments or looking to refresh your current methods, we recommend asking employees to describe or rate their performance in the areas of:

1. Time management. Does the employee show up on time for work at the beginning of the day and stay until the work is complete? Is he consistently on time for meetings and events? Does he complete projects within established deadlines?

2. Relationships. In his own estimation, has the employee earned the respect of his peers, team mates, outside contractors, clients and managers? Does he demonstrate leadership when necessary and compliance when required? Is he adept at recognizing the difference.

3. Respect for company policy. Does the employee abide by company rules at all times? Have there been any discipline issues during the past year?

4. Initiative. Does the employee equate company success with personal success? Does he actively seek opportunities to advance his own skills and standing within the organization?

5. Technology and communication. How well does the employee adopt and master new technologies that support his role? How well does he communicate with others through various formats—spoken, written, etc?

We find that these questions offer a well-rounded assessment of performance and give managers a great baseline to complete formal assessments and establish goals for the year ahead. If you aren’t sure of content, you can use one of emPerform’s out-of-the-box self-assessment templates as a great start.

Learn more about how emPerform’s self-assessments can help take your reviews to the next level.

See also: Self-Assessments: Useful or Not?